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Contraception by andrewquakenbush170 on 05-18-2016
Hey man. What is contraception?
Well, in a book I was reading it said, "Contraception is the use of various devices, drugs, agents, sexual practices, or surgical procedures to prevent conception or impregnation." (7)
So, my friend was peregrinate and she was only 16. By the way she didn't play the violin, just saying.
Wow, that is very interesting my violin playing friend. Now back to my book it said, "There is no "best" method of birth control. Each method has its pros and cons." (8)
Well, her life was ruined by it and now she has to take care of the baby.
In the book it says, "Only condoms have been proven to reduce the risk of getting some STD's." (9) Hey you should go to your father and tell your friends they should use some next time.
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