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Header by Rexisfed on 08-27-2006
Hey guys. This comic is really stupid and stuff, so why are you reading it? Oh well, I think you should anyway. I am the transparent bar and my plan is to eat these two losers.
Hey guys. This comic is really stupid and stuff, so why are you reading it? Oh well, I think you should anyway. I am the transparent bar and my plan is to eat these two losers. Anyways, all I have to do is talk and I'll grow. Isn't it great? This will be over in almost no time. I'm about halfway there already in fact. I love being a transparent bar because people can see through me. This steeple tastes really good. I'll just keep growing now.
What's that bar doing?
Hey guys. This comic is really stupid and stuff, so why are you reading it? Oh well, I think you should anyway. I am the transparent bar and my plan is to eat these two losers. Anyways, all I have to do is talk and I'll grow. Isn't it great? This will be over in almost no time. I'm about halfway there already in fact. I love being a transparent bar because people can see through me. This steeple tastes really good. I'll just keep growing now. Yeah, so anyway, it shouldn't be long now. I mean, I'm just about there. Only a little more to go. Now I was planning to have Drunken Joe scream "AAAAAH!" But I can't overlap speech bubbles. Doesn't that suck? Hey, wait a minute. I can't eat them... THE PANEL IS GROWING! Dammit! You stupid f#*king panel, why must you always spoil my plans?!
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