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Andy and Dwight Comic 1 by omaliapursley on 02-21-2016
Dwight and Andy are discussing a new business merger that will combine two branches of the company into one. Andy gave Dwight a document of his ideas for the merger.
These ideas are quite (compelling), and I (commend) you for the amount of work put into this, but I'm not sure if it could be excecuted quickly enough.
I'd be willing to (conform) to some modifications that you would like to make to this plan, but I really do believe that this is the most efficient way to go about things.
Let me go suggest this to corporate, meet me outside my office tomorrow at noon and we'll se what they thought.
That sounds great, I will meet you there tomorrow.
Outside the office the next day at noon, and Dwight has already talked to corporate about the merger plan that Andy gave.
So I talked with corporate, and we have come to a (consensus) that we love the first half of your plan, but wanted to change the last half to better comply with the time situation.
Dang, I really didn't want to have to (compromise).
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