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Passion(at)e Work by tellio on 12-12-2015
It says here, "Explorers are defined by how they respond to challenges."
Yeah, if you all could stop harshing my creative buzz we could get something done here. Or not.
It says here that Teddy Roosevelt once said, "He who fails while daring greatly shall never be forced to live with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
But all the great parties are over in the "Cold and Timid Department". They always have the best deviled eggs.
Join here&share o passionate ones: https://via.hypothes.is/http://dupress.com/articles/worker-passion-employee-behavior/
They say that the bottom line is this: 1. Find passionate workers in your place, 2. Take risks for them and they will reciprocate, 3. Once you have planted the passionate seeds, work that garden.
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