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Keep On! A TwistedPair Philosophy by tellio on 10-05-2015
The philosophical conundrum: let it grow organically or add a little fertilizer?
I really like writing prompts. This one where you mashup two dudes and describe how they had an effect on your teaching and learning. They call it '#twistedpairs'. I like it.
Neurons that fire together, wire together.
Mojo Nixon is the king of psychobilly rocknroll. Epictetus is the king of practical aesthetics.
I'm gonna choose Mother Theresa and Oprah. How about you?
I once saw Mojo Nixon perform at a bar. He was mos def the avatar of Satan's kid brother. I once read Epictetus the Stoic's Encheiridion he was also mos def the avatar of Satan.
Mashups and remixes and twisted pairs, oh my!
Let's see. Mother Theresa taught me about slumdog millionaires and Oprah helped me with my diet...Hmm...Can you help me?
They both had the same advice: Keep On!
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