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Humble Conversation by catherinedeblasio on 09-17-2015
As Billy was walking down the street with his cranberry juice, he bumps into his boss, Joel.
Why hello there Billy! Nice day isn't it?
Hello Joel. Yes it is a great day, but pretty (arid) and hot if i say so myself.
Yes it is quite hot and dry.Did you see Larry helping out that elderly woman with her groceries? As people were going by they were saying (awe). I would've said that myself.
I did! He's doing such an (altruistic), charitable deed. Also as I was passing I saw some people (ardoring). It was pretty disgusted. I was being (animostic) to them because that is just rude, especially in front of children.
Yes. I do agree with your reasoning. You are pretty (astute) with these situations. Well I best be off! See you at work tomorrow.
Goodbye and thank you!
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